This is for you
Most people say to me, "You must hate cutting kids hair". Actually, I don't.
Kids don't bother me half as much as maybe they should because contrary to popular belief, if they're screamers, it really isn't their fault.
If your dog cowers at thunder, or your mum (in my case) screams at the sight of a Moth, does it stress you out and make you cross? Probably not. Fear is fear, it doesn't matter how much you think it's ridiculous.
Imagine being a small person, and your mum or dad, or whoever that you know and trust instinctively, puts you in a big scary looking black chair of doom with a maniacal bearded man with long scissors and noisy machines stood next to it.
This is my view of course, but why expect a child to react anything but negatively.
My military career has taught me a few things along the way, and one of those is that "knowledge dispels fear".
If your child, generally i'm talking about boys, has long hair because you "liked their curls" or thought they "looked cute", then its likely that they have never set foot in a barber shop or salon. There is no way they can know whats about to happen when you sit them in the chair.
Worse if they've only had one or two negative experiences prior.
Don't get me wrong, most little ones usually have an adverse reaction to a haircut, but in the case of little lads with little lad haircuts, they learn. Quickly. They learn that Wayne the Barber pulls funny faces at them and does silly voices. They learn that they get a reward at the end (usually something sweet and unhealthy) but more importantly, they learn they it doesn't hurt. The takeaway lesson here is, the earlier you normalise the haircut, the earlier they learn.
My son Jackson had his first haircut at 10 months and he has seen his Daddy cutting hair since he was born. Its a normal part of his life. and now at nearly two, he sits in the chair; albeit fidgeting, with no problem.
Many, many parents along the way have heeded the advice. "just keep bringing them, sit them on dads lap while hes having his haircut". within two or three visits, we have a level of tolerance that is in harmony with a happy haircut.
Those that haven't? or those that like to bear hug them to get it over and done with? Well many of them are still fighting it even with kids as old as 6 or 7.
So, of course, the choice of how you deal with the situation is entirely your prerogative, but as i have relayed politely to many parents in the past. If they fidget too much, I cant continue to cut.
I would never put a child in danger of an accidental "ear-ectome" and I certainly don't want to be slicing my fingers to pieces either. As Mr Maker says,
"Scissors are Sharp!". especially professional hair cutting scissors.
Make it positive, and do it early and your life will become easier a lot quicker!